Digital Education
These resources consider a wide range of digital education practices, providing ideas for how to blend
digital education into your teaching to provide inspiring teaching and learning.
the WATT WORKS quick guides
Embedding active learning in your teaching practice
Supporting student wellbing through curriculum design and delivery
Reviewing your assessments in light of increased availability of AI content creation tools
Student Guide: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence content creation tools & university study
HW general principles on technology and Artificial Intelligence
HW staff guide on use of GenAI in Learning and Teaching AY24-25
HW Student guidance on Artificial Intelligence in Learning and Teaching AY24-25
Engaging students through digital media.
Sheila MacNeill discusses how to engage students via digital media.
Digital Teaching Presence
Sheila MacNeill explains the importance of digital teaching presence when supporting student learning online. She provides suggestions for how to develop your digital persona and to ensure that students get a sense of your presence whether teaching in live sessions or on demand e.g. in discussion boards or on your course page.
Broadcast and engagement modes of teaching
Sheila MacNeill outlines the difference between broadcast and engagement modes of teaching, and how and when each might be most effectively used to support students.
Digital wellbeing
Sheila MacNeill highlights the importance of safeguarding our digital wellbeing. In an era where technology means that we can be contacted 24/7 365 days a year, she reminds us that we can switch off and how important it is to do this and to manage expectations about our availability and contactability.
Encouraging student engagement
Sheila MacNeill provides ideas for how to encourage student digital engagement in learning and teaching.
Managing your digital presence
Sheila MacNeill explains the importance of digital presence when teaching online and shares ideas for how to manage your digital identity and presence to engage effectively with students.
Professional digital learning and teaching communities
Sheila MacNeill explains the importance and relevance of digital learning and teaching communities, and suggests a few to get involved in.
If you are just starting out with online learning or digital education, you may find it useful to check out the ‘Supporting Student Learning Online’ toolkit and Responsive Blended Learning resources in the LTA resources archive. Whilst these resources are no longer in use at Heriot-Watt they may still be of use to others using these technologies and / or approaches.
Additional Heriot-Watt
Learning and Teaching Resources
The Learning and Teaching Policy Bank
The policy bank provides an alphabetical list of all policy, procedure and guideline documents related to the University’s decisions on academic matters, particularly learning, teaching and assessment.
Learning Technology
The learning technology team offer a suite of training and support benefit both face-to-face and online learning and teaching, especially in connection with the virtual learning environment. Find out more about learning technology training.
Library resources
The Information Services team provide an Academic Leadership and Development LibGuide. Access the Academic Leadership and Development LibGuide.