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Heriot-Watt University Learning & Teaching Conference 2024

Global Changemakers: Exploring Challenges, Shaping Futures

Heriot-Watt University Learning and Teaching Conference 2024

June 4, 2024 @ 8:00 am June 6, 2024 @ 1:15 pm

The Heriot-Watt University Learning and Teaching Conference 2024 provides an exciting opportunity to explore how we support students to embrace purposeful, challenge-based learning and contribute to solving complex real-world challenges. The conference will also explore how we inspire our students to be Global Changemakers, with the capabilities, curiosity, and sense of purpose to address the global challenges of our time. 

Conference themes include:

  • Assessment for Learning
  • Co-creation, discovery and innovation
  • Inclusive, global practice
  • Research, industry and community collaboration
  • Resilience, wellbeing and compassion
  • Sustainable development

This conference will present opportunities to hear from and discuss with keynote speakers and members of our HW community, from Scotland, Dubai and Malaysia, how to best support our students and graduates to flourish as Global Changemakers, ready to address current and future global challenges.

Keynote 1: Dr Karsten Zegwaard on ‘Changing the Future of Higher Education: Integrating Work and Learning’

Tuesday 4 June 8.30-9.30am BST | 11.30-12.30am Dubai | 3.30-4.30pm Malaysia

We are delighted to welcome Dr Karsten Zegwaard (University of Waikato, New Zealand) to discuss Changing the Future of Higher Education: Integrating Work and Learning’.

Overview: The increasing expectation that higher education directly links to student employability outcomes has sharpened the focus on work-integrated learning (WIL) and work-based learning (WBL). This keynote will explore this topic including current challenges, and trends; and propose practical resources for educators. 

This keynote is open to the public. It is particularly appropriate for colleagues in higher or further education.

Keynote 2: Dr Louise Drumm on ‘Challenge-based Education in a Challenging Context: The Wicked Problem Facing Higher Education’

Thursday 6 June 8.15-9.15am BST | 11.15am-12.15pm Dubai | 3.15-4.15pm Malaysia

We are delighted to welcome Dr Louise Drumm (Edinburgh Napier University) to discuss ”Challenge-based Education in a Challenging Context: The Wicked Problem Facing Higher Education

Overview: This keynote will argue for the application of existing critical digital literacies which recognises a plurality of possible responses to the challenge of generative AI in education. It will also pose the provocation: if we are preparing learners to solve complex real-world challenges, what is more real-world than the challenge of generative AI?

This keynote is open to the public. It is particularly appropriate for colleagues in higher or further education.

Information and booking

Keynotes are open to the public. Please book using the links above.

All other sessions are open to Heriot-Watt staff only. Staff should explore the L&T Conference SharePoint site for further information.


Keynote sessions will be on Zoom. BSL interpretation is available, please let us know at LTAcademy@hw.ac.uk if you require this. Keynote sessions will be recorded and available on our YouTube channel after the event. Other online events will be hosted on Teams. 

We try to ensure our sessions are accessible for everyone attending them.  If you are attending a session and the platform on which it is being hosted is not accessible for you please let us know so that we can explore alternative arrangements. 

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