New to Teaching Network
September 8, 2021 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
11:00 UK / 14:00 Dubai / 18:00 Malaysia
The Heriot-Watt New to Teaching Network is a community of practice facilitated by the Learning and Teaching Academy. It is designed to provide support for all those within their first three years of teaching and supporting learners at Heriot-Watt. It will meet monthly to explore and share practice and to support members as they work through the early stages of their teaching careers.
Each month we will be running two sessions (at times to suit staff across all our campuses) with the expectation that participants will attend just one of these sessions. The sessions will be discursive in nature and will offer you the opportunity to share challenges and successes in your teaching with other Network members and to gain ideas and resources to support you in developing your teaching practice. A member of staff from the Learning and Teaching Academy will facilitate each session.
The theme for this session will be ‘Getting a good start to the academic year’.
If you have any questions regarding this network then please contact Dr Rob Daley via PGCertTL@hw.ac.uk