Getting Started with Teaching at Heriot-Watt – Workshop 2

9:00 UK | 13:00 Dubai | 17:00 Malaysia Over the course of these two sessions, you will have the chance to explore how to prepare and plan for teaching sessions, explore how to use feedback and support student learning, consider how to encourage active learning in sessions, and share your practice, challenges or concerns for discussion and advice. You will also be introduced to the wealth of resources available to support you as you start teaching at Heriot-Watt.

Programme Directors Forum – Strengthening Teaching Teams: A Sharing Practice Session

At this session we’ll be exploring what works in building collaborative and supportive teaching teams. Who do you involve in your teaching team? How do you practically work together across the year? What could strengthen your team further? Come along and share practice and learn from others. The discussion will be followed by an end of semester celebration and social gathering.

New to Teaching Network

08:00 UK  /  12:00 Dubai  /  16:00 Malaysia The Heriot-Watt New [...]

New to Teaching Network

12:00 UK  /  16:00 Dubai  /  20:00 Malaysia The Heriot-Watt New to [...]

Getting Started with Teaching – Workshop 1

09:00 UK | 13:00 Dubai | 17:00 Malaysia

Over the course of these two sessions , you will have the chance to explore how to prepare and plan for teaching sessions, explore how to use feedback to support student learning, consider how to encourage active learning in sessions, and share your practice, challenges or concerns for discussion and advice.  You will also be introduced to the wealth of resources available to support you as you start teaching at Heriot-Watt.

‘Inspiring Learning’ New Year Lecture 2022

08:00 UK | 12:00 Dubai | 16:00 Malaysia

"Response and responsibility: the role of universities and the curriculum in a more sustainable future" by Professor Zoe Robinson (Keele University)

We are delighted to welcome Professor Zoe Robinson (Keele University) to give the 2022 'Inspiring Learning' New Year Lecture.

Getting Started with Teaching – Workshop 2

09:00 UK | 13:00 Dubai | 17:00 Malaysia

Over the course of these two sessions, you will have the chance to explore how to prepare and plan for teaching sessions, explore how to use feedback to support student learning, consider how to encourage active learning in sessions, and share your practice, challenges or concerns for discussion and advice. You will also be introduced to the wealth of resources available to support you as you start teaching at Heriot-Watt.